WAI-ARIA techniques with code examples (and User Agent notes)
This page links to draft WAI-ARIA techniques and code examples, mainly to check the extent of screen reader support. Some techniques are draft entries in the W3C Wiki of the HTML5 & ARIA Techniques task force of WCAG WG.
Note: Some of the test pages for the examples may be without any navigation - use the browser back button to return.
Using aria-hidden
Using aria-expanded
- html-techs tf draft Using the WAI-ARIA
state to mark expandable and collapsible regions - Example 1: Using
to indicate the state of a collapsible element | code only
Using Aria role=dialog
- html-techs tf draft "Using Aria role=dialog to expose a custom dialog (pop-up div box)"
- Example 1: Using Aria
to expose a dialog (pop-up div box) | code only - Variant 1a: Using Aria
(focussing button inside dialog, triggering link with role="button") | code only
Using aria-label
to provide an invisible label
- html-techs tf draft "Using aria-label to provide an invisible label"
- Example 1: aria-label 1 ("The spelling quiz") | code only
- Example 2: aria-label 2 (div box with 'close'-button, code only)
- Example 3: aria-label 3 (step-wise incrementation of text input value, code only)
- Example 4: Using aria-label to compensate for a missing alt attribute on an image (not a recommended practice!)
Using aria-labelledby
to concatenate a label from several text nodes
- html-technique "Using aria-labelledby to concatenate a label from several text nodes"
- Example 1: ('Set timeout' example of concatenating a label)
- Example 2: Using aria-labelledby for simple table with text inputs | code only
- Example 3: aria-labelledby 3 (Conference workshops timetable, code only) | Testing results of variations
Using aria-labelledby
for link purpose
- html-techs tf draft "Using aria-labelledby for link purpose"
- Example 1: Using aria-labelledby for link purpose ("Read more" link) | Code only
- Example 1, variant with tabindex="-1" | Code only
- Example 2: aria-labelledby for file type ('Sales report', File name and type concatenation) | Code only
Using aria-describedby
- html-techs tf draft "Using aria-decribedby"
- Example 1: Using
to add a description to close button | Code only - Example 2: Using
to add a description to a text input field | Code only - Example 3: Using
to add link context from nested list content
Using aria-flowto
- html-techs tf draft "Using aria-flowto"
- Example 1: Using aria-flowto to offer a choice of reading order | Code only
Using role="status"
to communicate content updates
- html-techs tf draft "Using role=status to present status messages"
- Example 1: Using role=status when updating counter (this is an extension of the Paciello Group example in Screen reader support for ARIA live regions).